Use the conservation of angular momentum of the entire system.

L=angular momentum
w=angular velocity
m_d=mass of dbell (it wouldn't let me type the whole word lol)
m_w=mass of merry-go-round
m_L=mass of Luc
r= radius (subscripts will match the masses' subscripts)
The initial angular momentum can be written as follows.
Here, I treated the dbells as a particle and went ahead and added the two together (thus the factor of 2 in front). Luc and the merry-go-round can both be modeled as cylinders. Also, I expanded inertia into I=mr^2 incase you are wondering where the I went to. Next, we need to find the final angular momentum.
As you can see, the only thing that changed was where the dbells are at. They can now be modelled as having the radius of Luc because they are at his chest. Finally we set these two equations equal to each other and solve for the final angular velocity.
From here it is plug and chug. To save myself time, I will just give you the answer. You can plug the numbers in yourself. Make sure when you plug in the numbers you convert everything into kilograms (just divide Newton's by gravity to get kg) and meters, but you can leave rpm in rpm since we are looking for an answer with rpm.

P.S. Please double check that number. I am 99.9% positive the equation is right because I just did a similar problem and got the right answer using that equation, but my numbers were different. So, just double check by plugging the numbers into the calculator yourself. I could have made a small calculator mistake when plugging it in, but I do think it should be right.