One evening I was walking toward the edge of the lake in a swirling snowstorm. I was all alone. I couldn't see very far ahead. All of a sudden, I heard the hoot of an owl, I think. I jumped at the sudden noise, checking my surroundings in a spontaneous fear of something watching me. Then, I shuttered in fear. My gaze was locked toward two big yellow eyes. I..I couldn't speak. I just watched it. It stayed there for a bit, watching me. Suddenly, it lifted up in a fast motion and went up the trees. Fight or flight kicked in, and I ran back home. By the time I made it, my legs were sore and it was 4:32 PM. I shrugged it off as an owl just coming out to find food. Even though it was the middle of winter..during a snowstorm..when it should be hibernating- What am I talking about?
Monsters don't exist! ...