Dickens' work Christmas Carol is the critique of the cruelty and stingy people filled with greed who think too highly of themselves. The character of Scrooge (especially compared to Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim) should remind us that money does not make a man, but can sometimes even turn people unkind and greedy, and that the true values and real happiness lies in kindness and benevolence.
Step-by-step explanation:
Christmas Carol and Scrooge are a commentary on the greed and the unkindness of people, and the way they can forget others and where they came from if they have more than others. It is the critique of the privileged who do not use their benefits and wealth to help others, but rather think too highly of themselves.
The story shows how those who do not have a connection to the virtues will become isolated from society, too negative and hated by everyone. We see people cherish Scrooge’s death when the Ghost of Christmas future shows him his destiny. This should remind us that history does not look fondly upon the unkind and cruel people and that they shall leave no decent mark on humanity.
Christmas Carol also tries to remind us that money does not mean goodness and compassion, but that sometimes the best people and the most generous are those who do not have much. Dickens tries to remind us of what humanity really means and the true values of the world that matter in the long run.