CHUBUKOV: Who's dead? [Looks at Lomov] So he is! My word! Water! A doctor! [Lifts a tumbler to Lomov’s mouth] Drink this! . . . No, he doesn't drink. . . . It means he's dead, and all that. . . . I'm the most unhappy of men! Why don't I put a bullet into my brain? Why haven't I cut my throat yet? What am I waiting for? Give me a knife! Give me a pistol! [Lomov moves] He seems to be coming round. . . . Drink some water!
Step-by-step explanation:
Chubukov says that he is the most unhappiest of men. This shows that he probably wants them two married. It also shows that he is frantic about Lomov not being able to propose to Natalya.