Hi, you've asked an incomplete question. However, I added the missing explanations below.
- "But that's chicken and I've got a reputation to consider." Meaning: The fact is "Squeaky sees things in Raymond that other people don't."
- "I almost stop to watch my brother Raymond on his first run." Meaning: What this quotation show is that "Squeaky thinks kids are as important as adults".
- "People like to act like things come easy to them...Not me." Meaning: His willingness to state his opinion despite been different shows that "Squeaky values honesty."
- "He's got no right to call me Squeaky, if I can't call him Beanstalk." Meaning: It shows that "Squeaky pays more attention to people she respects."
- "Besides, there's just me and Gretchen standing there really." Meaning: It shows that "Squeaky cares what other girls think about her."