Answers :
- (A) 18.33%
- (B) 21.65%
- (C) about 173.33
- (D) i really have no way of finding the angles for you, you could try to find them yourself; or maybe just leave it blank?
OK, so judging from the bar shown :
It looks like Rent takes up 1/3 of the space so 33.33..%
It also looks like Loan Repayment + Savings is another 33.33..% but Savings is slightly larger than Loan Repayment so you could just estimate Savings to be 55% and LR to be 45% of the 1/3 space.
LR looks equal to Entertainment making it another 14.99.
It also looks like Entertainment + Electricity + Groceries = the last 33.33..%
And since we know Entertainment = 14.99 / 45% of 33.33..
Making Electricity and Water ABOUT 35% of 33.33... which is 11.66
And Groceries is somehow 20% of 33.33 = 6.66
- Rent = 33.33..%
- Savings = 18.33%
- Loan Repayment 14.99%
- Entertainment 14.99%
- Electricity and Water 11.66%
- Groceries = 6.66%
All of these added together equal ABOUT 100%