The tax itself is $1.47
You can calculate that by adding up all four items. You should get $24.50. Then, you multiply 24.50 by 6%. When multiplying 24.50 and 6%, make sure you multiply (24.50)(0.06) and not (24.50)(0.6).
The total cost of the items after tax is $23.03 just in case you needed that. Just subtract
24.50 - 1.47
The tax is normally done to the total so add the prices up 2.50+8.75+3.00+10.25=24.5
percent is 6%
percent means parts out of 100 so
6%=6/100=0.6/10=0.06/1=0.06* 6% of total* 'of'' translates to multiply
24.50 times 0.06=tax=1.47
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