Write out sentences in the imperative mood! Text of Mr. TOMATA
Once there was a boy. His name was Andy. But one day he
said to his mother, «I am Mr. Tomata.
*0. K.. said Mother. But by lunch time she called out the
door Mr. Tomata didn't answer.
•Andy, lunch is readyl, Mother called out the door.
Mr. Tomata didn't answer.
Then Mother remembered. «Mr. Tomata, your lunch is ready!
she said.
O. K., said Mr. Tomata. He was very hungry.
After lunch he saw his friend who was working in the garden.
Hello, Andy, said the boy. Mr. Tomata didn't answer,
because he was not Andy.That afternoon Mother went
to a meeting. She came home too
late to cook dinner. Daddy said,
«Well, we'll go out to eat. So
they went to a restaurant.
The waitress - smiled at Mr.
Tomata and asked, “What's your
«Mr. Tomata, said Mr. Tomata.
Tell the lady your name, said Mother.
«My name is Mr. Tomata, repeated Mr. Tomata.
Next morning Mother said, «Andy, we'll go to the kinder-
«I'm not Andy. You know who I am, said Mr. Tomata.
«All right, said Mother. «But you must go to the kinder-
garten. Your play is over.
«O. K., said Mr. Tomata.
What is your name?» said Mother.
«Mr. Tomata,said Mr. Tomata.
Mother said, «Mr. Tomata cannot go to the kindergarten.
«Why?» said Mr. Tomata.
Because kindergarten boys have names like Andy,» said
Andy wanted to go to the kindergarten, but he wanted to be
Mr. Tomata. So he said to his Mother, «Mr. Tomata is going to
walk to the corner.
«O. K., to the corner, said Mother.
They got to the corner. Mr. Tomata said, «Mr. Tomata is
going to walk two more blocks.»
«0. K., two more blocks, said Mother.
They walked two more blocks. Then Mr. Tomata decided to
walk to the kindergarten door.
As they reached the kindergarten door, Andy said, «Mr.
Tomata goes away.
«Where?, said Mother.
To the factory. In an airplane, said Andy.
Oh, said Mother.
Yes, said Andy.
Andy had a fine time all morning. He sang songs, painted
pictures and played games. Mother came to meet him at twelve
o'clock. «Did you have a good time in the kindergarten this
morning, Andy?» she said. He didn't answer.
«Mr. Tomata, did you have a good time in the kindergarten?
Mother said.