Here are words that rhyme using the abab pattern try and make your own rest of the sentence:
Stay, away, grey, hay, way, ray
Go, throw, no, low, snow
(This is we’re you would use the stay rhymes)
(This is where you use the go rhymes)
Next quatrain:
Lean, clean, seen, green, mean
Love, above, dove
Rain,pain, slain, drain
(Use lean rhymes)
(Use love rhymes)
Name, game, shame, lame
Run, fun, done, gun
(Name rhymes)
(Run rhymes)
Back, pack, track, lack, wack, attack
(Use back rhymes)
Rules below
Step-by-step explanation:
3 quatrains: (1) quatrain is four lines that rhyme at the end using the abab pattern ten syllables
1couplet: 2 lines that rhyme at the end and ten syllables
It is fourteen lines