Can someone read over and edit and Critique my College essay?
My Essay:
It first began with salsa on mango packed for lunch on an early morning in fourth grade. While I spent all day looking forward to my ethnic snack, I was instead faced with a feeling of embarrassment after watching my classmates laugh at the wild food combinations they were not familiar with. While I have always attended school in Washington, I spent a lot of my youth in Mexico. Therefore, expressing my culture and educating others about my background has always been one of my favorite pastimes. I am confident and proud of embracing my culture.
Additionally, being bilingual has made it possible for me to help others communicate, but most importantly help my mother, who immigrated to the U.S. after marrying my father. Due to my father constantly working one job during the day and another during the night in order to support our family, I spent most of my time with my mother, who did not speak English. Therefore, Spanish is my first language, and I did not learn English until after beginning school.
I was given the responsibility of doing almost all of the talking for my mother from an incredibly young age. For as long as I can remember, I have been translating at my mother's doctor appointments, ordering food, and being my mother's form of communication here in America. Although I have gained many new communication skills and been exposed to new experiences early on as a result of this, it took years for me to recognize this growth. It was difficult to assume independence from quite a young age. I envied those who could ask their parents for help with homework and did not have to translate on a daily basis. I struggled to fit it in at school and would constantly feel as if I was in my own box even during extracurriculars. I could not understand the traditions my classmates were so familiar with and began to feel embarrassed about my background. I would never wish the feeling of not knowing where you belong onto anyone. I have used these experiences as a lesson to help teach me to be more open minded about other people’s cultures and learn to be comfortable with my own identity.
However, I recognize negative effects of this as well. As a result of having to grow up faster than a typical child and being independent from a young age, I struggled asking others for help. As I grew older and my coursework increased in difficulty this inability to reach out became an even bigger battle. This not only played into my education but affected my sports as well. After doing competitive gymnastics since sixth grade, which served as a great distraction from hard days which seemed to be more often than not, I decided that I need to begin prioritizing my mental health as well as my education. However, I recognized that I still had a heart for the sport and longed to reach others through this. After taking a short break, I began coaching. There is nothing I can compare to the joy that I watch my students confidently stride and grasp their goals. I reflected on my personal longing for mentorship and guidance as a child and fueled this into my passion for the sport of gymnastics, and my desire to be this influence for others. I am fulfilled by being there for these students because I recognize that they have at least one place where they can be completely authentic to themselves and have someone they know is willing to help them both within the gym and beyond. This leadership has helped me learn to cope with my experiences in a positive manner and appreciate my background that has led me here.