Step-by-step explanation:
To accomplish reinforcement, one may use positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is a type of reinforcement in which the addition of a rewarding or pleasant stimulus increases the tendency of a particular response. For example, when a student receives an A+ on a test, the student gets to go to the ice cream shop. Negative reinforcement is a type of reinforcement in which the removal of an unwanted or unpleasant stimulus increases the tendency of a particular behavior. For example, when a student receives an A+ on a test, they no don't have to wash the dishes that night.
To accomplish punishment, one may use positive punishment or negative punishment. Positive punishment is a type of punishment in which an unwanted or unpleasant stimulus decreases the tendency of a particular response/behavior. For example, a teen stays out past curfew and now has to do extra chores. Negative punishment is a type of punishment in which the removal of a rewarding or pleasant stimulus decreases the tendency of a particular response. An example of this would be a child getting in trouble and having her favorite toy taken away.