Answer: school uniforms are good because if everybody is wearing the same type of clothing then it will make picking on somebody about their clothes less likely to occur, also so the schools are aware of their students, so if they go on a field trip the teachers and staffs will know it's their students, in shorter terms making it easier to keep track of the students. also students take it too far, their mindsets are "i like what she have on or i like what he have on and the clothes people where can cause an effect, shorts too high, or too low, things like that, also people get bright ideas but i suggest u not state this to whoever will be reading it
There are also some bad things about school uniforms as well. when certain people where certain clothes it's easier for them to focus because they are not worrying about what other people think of their uniform, also it gives people a chance to show who they really are and express themselves in a comfortable environment, it's easier to move around a vibe with the expectations when you are comfortable n the clothes you got/ the clothes you choose to wear
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