The photo shows the Basilica of San Vitale that is in Ravenna, Italy.
Step-by-step explanation:
The site is important as one of the famous examples of Byzantine architecture and art. What is notable about the design and architecture is that it combines Roman elements with the Byzantine ones. The dome above the square central, the towers, and the shape of the doorway are influenced by the Roman style, which is probably because the construction started very early – somewhere around 526.
Basilica's mosaics are her famous feature. They are inspired largely by the events from the Bible, heavily ornamented, but also include famous descriptions of emperor Justinian and his wife, Empress Theodora. One of Justinian’s courtiers' on the mosaic is Julius Argentarius, the donor of the church.
The frescoes on the dome were added in the 16th century, by painters Barozzi, Gandolfi, and Guarana.
The basilica is proclaimed to be UNESCO World Heritage site in 1996.