During the elections of 1908, more Republicans were elected than Democrats. This was largely because African Americans came back to vote, since they were angry with the legislature’s decision to implement segregation laws. African Americans were largely Republican because it was the party of Lincoln, emancipation, and the Union. Thus, Democrats lost many seats, and several Republicans were elected to the state legislature and the US Congress. After the elections of 1908, three of the state’s five congressional leaders were Republican.
The digital collections of the Library of Congress contain a wide variety of material associated with the presidential election of 1908, including photographs, political cartoons, broadsides, and newspaper articles. This guide compiles links to digital materials related to the presidential election of 1908 that are available throughout the Library of Congress Web site. In addition, it provides links to external Web sites focusing on the 1908 election and a selected bibliography.
Step-by-step explanation: