England Colonization
1 Queen Elizabeth wanted to establish colonies in the Americas in order to grow the British Empire and to counter the Spanish, who had settled first in present-day St. Augustine, Florida (1565). The English hoped to find wealth, create new jobs, and establish trade ports along the coast of the Americas. The first successful English settlement was Jamestown, Virginia (1607).
2 Each colony, however, has its own unique history on how it was founded. Many of the colonies were founded by religious leaders or groups looking for religious freedom. These colonies included Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Other colonies were founded purely in hopes of creating new trade opportunities and profits for investors.
Why did Colonists Come
3 Many settlers came for better economic opportunities. Europe was really crowded and it was difficult to find a job. Families would also leave their fortunes to older sons which made younger siblings look somewhere else for money. Indentured Servants came and agreed to work for a family in exchange for a boat ticket.
4 Many settlers came for religious freedom. The Protestant Reformation created hundreds of new religious groups and some religions became oppressed. The most famous group is the Pilgrims in Plymouth Rock (present-day Massachusetts, 1620).
5 However, many settlers were forced to come against their will. African slaves were kidnapped or traded in order to come to American and work. Many came and were forced to work on large plantations with no hope of freedom.
Carolina Colony
6 Initially given to Sir Robert Heath in 1629 by King Charles I, North and South Carolina were once one colony (Carolina). However, nothing was created from it. Eventually, Virginia settlers started moving South to present-day North Carolina in the late 1650s-early 1660s. The first permanent English settlers, Nathaniel Batts and George Durant, purchased land from the natives who lived in the Albemarle Region (present-day Northeastern N.C.) By the time the British king (Charles II) chartered it in 1663, hundreds of settlers were already living there.
7 King Charles II split up the Carolina colony among eight Lords Proprietors, men who helped him regain the throne after the English Civil War. The Lords Proprietors were required to collect taxes, or quit-rents, from the settlers in order to keep their share of the land. The problem? The settlers, who were used to living independently without paying taxes, refused to do this.
8 The tension over taxes and political power led to multiple conflicts between the settlers and Lords Proprietors’ colonial officials, including Culpeper’s Rebellion (1677). Continued conflicts over politics and religion, plus fighting with the natives (notably the Tuscarora War) split the colony into North and South Carolina in 1712. North Carolina became a royal colony in 1729, controlled by the king himself.
Why did Queen Elizabeth I want to colonize the New World (Americas)?
What were some of the reasons why English settlers wanted to come to the New World?
Why were colonies like Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Connecticut founded?
Compare indentured servants and slaves coming to the New World. Why did they come?
Who were the first English settlers in the Carolina colony?
What were three major reasons why the Carolina colony split into North and South Carolina?