3) Match the words with the correct definition.
(please fill in the numbers with one of the letters)
a) dynamic (adj.)
b) duplicity (n.)
c) eclectic (adj.)
d) disparage (v.)
e) docile (adj.)
f) effrontery (n.)
g) dexterous (adj.)
h) dogmatic (adj.)
i) efficacious (adj.)
j) didactic (adj.)
1) intended to teach; instructive_____
2) to belittle or speak to in a derogatory manner_____
3) easily managed or taught_____
4) strongly opinionated; dictatorial_____
5) double-dealing; deception_____
6) energetic, forceful_____
7) carefully selecting or choosing from various sources_____
8) capable of producing; effective; proven_____
9) bold, brazen audacity_____
10) skilled with hands or mind_____