146/12, 12 2/12 or 12 1/6
An easier way to solve is to convert each fraction to an improper fraction. You do this by multiplying the whole number (or the number in front of the fraction) by the denominator of the fraction, then add the numerator.
7 1/12 converted would be 7*12 = 84
84+1 = 85
so 7 1/2 converted would be 15/12
5 7/12 = 67/12
4 5/12 = 53/12
3 11/12 = 47/12
When adding fractions, you need to make sure that they all have a common denominator. Because they all have a denominator of 12, you don't need to find the common denominator.
Since the denominator is the same, you don't have to worry about the denominator yet. Pretend that there is no denominator and there is only the numerator. Add the numerator together.
85 + 67 - 53 + 47 = 146
Now put that denominator of 12 back in, so our answer would be 146/12 or if you would like to put it in a mixed number form: 12 2/12 (the 2/12 could be simplified to 1/6)