The correct answer is: translocation.
Step-by-step explanation:
When a chromosome breaks, there are many ways in which this can affect the integrity of the genes, as it can cause the deletion of one or several parts of the DNA. Other abnormalities include duplication and inversion of the genes.
When one fragment of the DNA breaks and joins a nonhomologous chromosome, the event happening is a translocation. There are two types of chromosomal translocations:
- reciprocal translocations, in which the involved chromosomes exchange segments with one another.
- Robertsonian translocations, in which an entire chromosome joins another chromosome's centromere.
Depending on the type of translocation and the amount and nature of the genes, this abnormality can affect individuals in different degrees.
Aneuploidies, on the other hand, are not related to the integrity of the chromosomes but rather the number of chromosomes. While euploidy refers to a total of 46 chromosomes in humans, aneuploidy describes individuals with more or fewer chromosomes.
All of these anomalies can be identified with a karyotype.