3 votes
How does this description of life for freedmen compare to Henry Adams’s statement given to Congress?

User Malgi
7.1k points

1 Answer

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This description of the lives of freedmen compares to Henry Adams’s statementby this document illustrates how the freedmen were treated with respect andfairness in the South. This is because many of the African Americans were seenworking a job and while they were not working, they were able to spell, learnhow to read, and study. Also, this description of the lives of freedmen comes froman excerpt that was written by a Northern white man versus Henry Adams’sstatement was written by himself. Henry Adams used to be a slave and asdescribed as his statement, he and the other freedman were treated as if theywere not living during Reconstruction.Step 2:After answering the questions from each individual document, pull from the documents to supporteach side of the argument.List the document letter and evidence from the document as to why it supportsthe following statements.African AmericansWEREfree duringReconstructionAfrican AmericansWERE NOTfree duringReconstructionDocumentA:Document A illustrates that AfricanAmericans were free during Reconstructionbecause the 13th, 14th, and 15thAmendments were passed during this timeperiod. These amendments abolishedslavery, guaranteed African Americanscitizenship in the United States, andallowed African Americans to vote.DocumentB:Document B illustrates that African Americanswere not free during Reconstruction becausemultiple restrictions were set in place forthem through Black Codes. For example,African Americans were not permitted to rentor keep a house, own any type of firearm, livewithin the limits of the town, and hold anymeeting without the permission of the mayoror the president.DocumentD:Document D illustrates that AfricanAmericans were free during Reconstructionbecause many African American men in theSouthern States were elected to their stategovernments as U.S. Senators andRepresentatives. Some of the men whowere elected include Blanche Bruce fromMississippi, Jefferson Long from Georgia,and Benjamin Turner from Alabama. Thefact that these African American men wereDocumentC:Document C illustrates that African Americanswere not free during Reconstruction becausethey were treated inhumanely. Directlyproceeding the Civil War, freed men andwomen were killed, whipped, beat, shot, andhung to death in the city of Shreveport. Theywere sentenced to this kind of punishmentespecially if they did belong to a white person.

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User FurryHead
7.3k points