Do these drawbacks demonstrate that feudalism did more harm than good? Explain
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Feudalism provided some unity and security in local areas, but it often did not have the strength to unite larger regions or countries. Small feudal governments could not afford big projects, such as building aqueducts, sewers, or fleets of ships that might benefit society.
Because there was no strong central government to enforce laws fairly, it was easy to use force, violence, and lies to get one’s way. This led to many wars among lords. Feudalism protected Western Europe from outside invaders, but it did not bring peace to a region.
Lords or vassals often placed their personal interests over the interests of the areas they ruled. Feudal lords had complete power in their local areas and could make harsh demands on their vassals and peasants.
Feudalism did not treat people equally or let them move up in society. A person born a serf was supposed to remain a serf, just as a person born a lord received special treatment without earning it.
Most peasants were serfs. They were not allowed to leave their lord’s lands. Serfs had to work three or four days each week as a payment to the lords or vassals for allowing them to farm for themselves on other days. The serfs were restricted in movement and even daily activities because they could not leave the land without permission.