B, -7/4
The first thing to do is to convert 220% into a decimal. You can do this simply by removing the % sign and dividing by 100:
%220 = 2.2
Now we simply have to check all the remaining numbers to see if they're greater than -1.6 and less than 2.2. You could use a numberline if you wish, but I personally don't find that much help here.
Here's how we check each value:
-1.6 < n < 2.2
If that statement is untrue, that's our answer. Let's check them all:
-1.6 < -1.4 < 2.2? Yes.
-1.6 < -7/4(evaluated = -1.75) < 2.2? No.
-1.6 < 2/9(evaluated = 0.222 repeating) < 2.2? Yes.
-1.6 < %16(evaluated = 0.16) < 2.2? Yes.
The answer is B.