The purpose of the experiment was to determine which brand of bubble gum could inflate the most under a given set of controls.
5 brands were tested under controlled circumstances such as:
- Zero wind space
- Consideration was given for the bubble gum that could achieve the highest size given the maximum chew of 40 times.
- to ensure that a reasonable average was given for each brand, the test was repeated thrice per brand the size per bubble gum was recorded and the time and the average computed.
In this experiment, the brand of bubble gum with the ability to inflate to the biggest size was tested
The bubble gum with the biggest average size is the best bubble gum to enter the competition with. It guarantees that Patrick's chance of winning under very stringent circumstances is guaranteed.
First, Patrick must create a table with 6 columns and 3 rows.
- the first column will be the Serial number section
- The topmost row of each of the five columns will be labelled with one brand of gum
- Patrick will need an assistant who will help to measure the sizes of each bubble and also act as a time-keeper.
- For each brand of gum, Patrick will chew for at least 40 times before he starts to inflate them.
- The timekeeper will, with the help of a stopwatch, measure how long it took to inflate a brand of gum. Each brand will be inflated at 3 times.
- Each result will be recorded in the rows under the column for that brand.
- In order to further ensure that there is control, after each inflation, Patrick must chew each gum for 20 times
- The experiment must be carried out in a room that is not windy
- Stopwatch
- Electronic or Manual Spreadsheet
- If Manual Spreadsheet then a writing material will be required
- Assistant for observing and recording the time and size of each inflation
- A mirror this is optional given that there is an assistant
- a well-lit room void of fan or wind
- A calculator if a manual spreadsheet is used.
Here Patrick will indicate the result of the experiment and calculations.