Kids tend to hang aroung people they fit in with or people they WANT to fit in with. It an also get to the point where someone simply believes everything they are being told...and begins to think they deserve it.
Step-by-step explanation:
I have had this convorsation several times before, the bottom line deserve better. If your scared that this is just life and everyone will treat you like this, you're wrong. Not everyone will abuse you, not everyone will cheat on you and lie to you. Not everryone will make you feel like absolute dukey. Not everyone will be manipulative and selfish. It may be rare but there are genuine good people out there. They exist, and you dont have to settle...You are not a back up plan, you are worth more than someone elses 'second choice'. Stay away from half a/ss things. Has a/ss effort...half a/ss people...half a/ss love...because YOU deserve better <3