Answer and Explanation:
Democracy is a very precious and important privilege for all citizens. This is because democracy empowers the people, allowing the choice of government leaders and allowing the people to charge for policies that are in the popular interest. Unfortunately, some countries do not have this privilege and those that do, present it as a result of the struggle and suffering of many ancestors. Democracy was not easy to be achieved and although we fight directly for it, it is our duty to maintain it and carry out its most symbol, the vote.
Voting is the most important democratic process of all, because it is here that popular sovereignty is reinforced. Voting is more than a privilege, a civil duty, however, unfortunately many people have not given due importance to this and have, of their own free will, stopped voting. The reasons for these people to do this vary, but one can say that these people are neglecting and funding abusive leaders and incapable of governing.
Each year, the number of people registered to vote decreases. This is very dangerous, as it causes the problems of communities not to be solved, governmental changes are not carried out and the country is headed for failure.
In this case, it is important to reinforce the obligation of all adult citizens to not only vote, but to accompany and demand from their leaders that they govern their region efficiently, honoring the country's democratic privileges and assuming their responsibility for the country's political process. .