Answer: Antes de la participación europea, el tratamiento de los esclavos era mejor. Los esclavos no tenían que ser una raza y no eran tratados como inferiores a otras razas. Después de la participación europea, sin embargo, los esclavos vinieron principalmente de Africa Occidental y eran de raza negra y vistos como inferiores a la raza blanca. Fueron tratados mucho peor y visto como propiedad.
Step-by-step explanation:
Here it is in English in case you need it:
Before European participation, the treatment of slaves was better. Slaves did not have to be one race and they were not treated as inferior to other races. After European involvement, however, slaves came primarily from West Africa and were of black race and seen as inferior to the white race. They were treated much worse and seen as property.
Hope this helps! / ¡Espero que esto ayude!