1. The wealth that help to drive the Renaissance was created through
a. War
b. Gifts to the church
C. Gold mines in Europe
d. International trade
The Renaissance began in italy because of which of the following?
a. Thriving of city-states
b. Wealthy merchants
c. Influx of refugees from Constantinople with their Greek manuscripts
d. All these answers are correct
The Renaissance was:
a. The rebirth of learning
b. The revival of fishing
c. The rebirth of science
d. All these answers are incorrect
4. What is true about Leonardo da Vinci?
a. He was an artist
b. He was a painter
He wrote backwards
d. He was a scientist
e. All these answers are correct
5. Famous writers of the Renaissance include:
3. Petrarch
b Boccaccio
d. All these answers are correct
Important female writers during the Renaissance include which of the following?
a. Sofoniara Anguissola
Artemisia Geti su
Cooria Colonna
All these answers are correct
7. The author who wrote Utopia WEE