Charlie owns 9,315 ft2 of the land area
There are 34,500 ft2 of land shared between Mabel, Adeline, and Charlie.
Mabel owns 26% of the land area, that is:
26*34,500 ft2 / 100 = 8,970 ft2
Adeline owns 47% of the land area, or:
47*34,500 ft2 / 100 = 16,215 ft2
The land owned by Mabel and Adeline is: 8,970 ft2 + 16,215 ft2 = 25,185 ft2
Since the total area land is 34,500 ft2, Charlie owns:
34,500 ft2 - 25,185 ft2 = 9,315 ft2
Charlie owns 9,315 ft2 of the land area