Answer: This is just what I said, you're welcome to reword it as you like. :) (i don't know if it's correct or not, but I just did a summary of each question as best I could, sorry if this doesn't help).
Step-by-step explanation:
A. He states that the colonies should be united in government because the colonies should be led by the people within them. He also says that there should be representatives from each separate colony and they should meet and discuss the problems of the Colonies as a whole. Franklin suggests that there should be no persons who wish the gain more than another through this assembly, and they should meet in the capitols of each place, to get to know the place that they are visiting.
B. Franklin says the people should come together themselves because the British Crown is too far away in order to give proper verdicts on issues within the Colonies. He also implies that the British Crown cannot know what is truly happening in the colonies without being there themselves, which is why he says the representatives should be a part of the council, in that they know what the current issues that need solving are.
C. The British Crown began passing legislation that was telling the colonies how to run themselves, but since the British could not know of the current issues, they presented more problems as to how they should deal with everything. Another reason was the idea of self-government, which led the colonies to believe they did not like or need the rule of the British Crown, and they began to separate themselves from it, starting by electing their own government officials instead of using the ones appointed by the Crown. Once the King discovered this, he tried to tighten his rule and failed.