c c c c c c c c c c c
//-!-!-!-!-!-!-!- {...} -!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!//
F0 30+X
on F0 we receive the 200,000 dollars
then each month (!) we made the installment payment (c)
this continues for the entire life of the mortgage until we reach the year 30 + X at which the mortgage ends and no more payment is done.
The outstanding amount will be the 200,000 less the capitalize installment over 10 + Y years.
Notice as the payments are monthly we use a monthly rate.

Outstanding after 10 + Y years

the interest component will be the outstanding balance times rate

reduced expression:

and the amortization of the installment quota less interest:

Step-by-step explanation:
As we don't know the values for X and Y we have to use the main formulas and reduce them the most we can.
If we are given values for X and Y we place them in the formulas and solve.