The labor movement first began during the time period of the Industrial Revolution, in the 19th century. At the time, working-class people were often exploited by wealthy owners and treated horribly. To better understand the situation facing people in the Industrial Revolution, it’s first important to understand the political and economic views of the time. The dominant ideology of the Industrial Revolution centered on individualistic values such as classical liberalism and laissez-faire capitalism. Both of these systems promoted the idea that the government should play as little a role as possible in the economic lives of the people. As such, there were very few government regulations in place to protect workers and the wealthy owners were allowed to exploit them in various ways. For example, during the Industrial Revolution, working-class people faced horrible working conditions, such as: crowded and cramped workspaces, dirty and dangerous factory and mining operations, poor levels of pay, long hours of work, and a lack of basic healthcare, education and rights. Out of this emerged different socialist movements that focused on improving the lives and conditions for industrial workers. The idea of labor unions became popular across industrial societies. Workers formed and used unions in order to protest for a variety of things, including: shorter hours of work, higher rates of pay, safe working conditions, basic education and healthcare. Many of them achieved these goals, by pressuring the government to step in set regulations on different aspects of industrial work.
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