Sugars with different properties that can build a wide variety of carbohydrates will result.
Step-by-step explanation:
This is the correct answer.This is because the arrangement of the monosaccharides units though the linking of the monomers with the glycosidic bonds via condensation reaction goes a long way to determine the orientation of the monosccharides and therefore the chemical properties displays.
Therefore when monosaccharides are linked by glycosidic bonds in different ways to form diasaccharidesa and polysacharrides,these macromolecueles display different chemical properties and physical properties from one another.
This is evident in cellulose((beta-glucose) whose 3-helix structure strengthened the wall of green plants.This orientation ensures that the hydrogen of -OH group is attached to the Oxygen of the same OH in the same molecule,or to that of another molecule.This formed hydrogen bond strong enough to form microfibrils which are held by fibres.
This is different from the structure of glycogen(from alpha 1,4 and 1,6-glycosidic bonds) despite the two been formed from monoscacharides. This is also evident in the structure of starch formed by alpha glucose
It is the orientation of the monomoers of the monosccharides in space that determines this different properties