Positive and Negative Numbers on the Number Line
When we add two negative numbers, the result will be negative.
When we add a negative and a positive number, the result can be positive, negative, or equal to zero.
- Take the absolute values of both numbers (disregard their signs). If the number that was positive is greater, then the result will be positive.
- If the number that was negative is greater, then the result will be negative.
- If the two numbers are equal, then the result will be 0.
When we add two positive numbers, the result will be positive.
Solving the Question
j + k
These are both negative numbers. We know this because they are both to the left of 0. When we add two negative numbers, we will get a result that is less than 0.
k + n
k is a negative number while n is a positive number.
Notice that on the number line, k and n appear to be at a equal distance away from 0. This means that if we were to take their absolute values, they would be equal.
This means that adding k and n would result in an answer of 0.
m + n
m is a negative number while n is a positive number.
Notice that on the number line, n appears to be further away from 0 than m is. m is very close to 0.
This means that the absolute value of n would be greater than that of m. The result would therefore be positive
k + m
Both these numbers are negative. Adding them would produce a negative result.