Making a Sandwich
Step-by-step explanation:
Making a sandwich is one of my hobbies, I love to dance and sing as I do so, it just gives me so much pleasure to see that a simple piece of bread is turned into a beautiful dish. I spread the butter on my bread and make sure I don't miss any side, followed by me toasting it to give a crispy feeling when I chew. then I season the tender meat and fry it ever so delicately, when I see the meat has browned I carry my spatula and cheese and place the cheese finely on the frying meat, so that the cheese may melt while under the heat. After frying the beef I place it carefully on my toast, then I go over to make a stir fry, by correctly cutting the lettuce, and dicing the other veggies. I then place my tomato and my stir fry on top of the first slice of bread and top it off by covering it with the second slice.
p.s I do none of this