Anurak has 15 pennies, 6 nickels and 3 dimes.
We must have these informations in mind:
1) A penny is a 1-cent coin.
2) A dime is a 10-cent coin.
3) A nickel is a 5-cent coin.
Let be
the quantities of pennies, nickels and dimes, respectively. From statement we get that to value in Anurak's pocket is represented by this mathematical expression:
(Eq. 1)
In addition, we get the following identities:
i) He has three more nickels than dimes
(Eq. 2)
ii) And five times as many pennies as dimes
(Eq. 3)
The system of linear equations is now reduced: (Eqs. 2, 3) in (Eq. 1)

The remaining variables are
Anurak has 15 pennies, 6 nickels and 3 dimes.