T: May 9, 1754; Benjamin Franklin created this propaganda to unite the colonies to fight together. The whole premise of "Join, or Die", was clear. The individual militias that act upon their own could stand little chance against the might of Britain and their native allies. Instead, each state was to send their troops into a Army (later known as the Continental Army, which was then led by George Washington, a French & Indian War Hero), and to join forces to squash the British invasion.
A: Join forces; As stated above, Franklin wanted all the colonies to come together and fight as one state, rather than a bunch of individual states that had little connection to each other. In fighting together, it makes their effort more concise and, dare I say, easier. In a sense, it is, as the communication, manpower, willpower, and many other factors increase with numbers and become better.
C: They must work together, or be destroyed: Again, look to the top. With more coordination and more troops, it means they have a higher chance of defeating the Empire of Britain.
O: The snake is significant in this picture: The snake, when cut into pieces (as shown to signify the different colonies), is of no effect, and is not dangerous. However, when united and alive, the snake is a formidable opponent.
S: In a sense, the picture is clear. The colonies must work together to be able to not only overthrow the British government, but also to gain a reputation and standing with the international community so that they can be legitimized. There are definitely many problems that occurred and are going to occur, but this picture shows a clear determination of at least a group of people to become free, and to be able to rule themselves, instead of being ruled indirectly from a land far away, disconnected from their reality at hand.