1.) Native Americans/ Indiginious people- got here from the land brige that connected North America and Asia
2.) By Columbus unknowingly landing on what is now the Bahamas. Christopher was trying to find a shorter route to asia so he thought he could just sail left of europe to get to asia.
3.) because they felt they were "superior" in intellect, race, religon, culture and in weapons advacement.
4.)By the Euopeans speading deadly diseases to the Native Americans like small pox, for example. They also had an edge in fire power/weapon advacement and soon population as well.
5.) To work on newly establish plantations/ tobacco feilds in cuba and in New England.
6.)Same with the Native americans: Far better weapon advacement.
7.)British empire
8.) Unfair taxes and since Brittan didn't care for american settlers in the beginning the colonies were self-goverend but when the Americans were earning a profit/competition from other countries for new territories the British government started taking over. In other words, the people wanted the freedom of being able to self-govern themselves than from a country miles away from them.
9.) Other countries like France were inspired to start their own revolution and ofc the 13 colonies were free from British rule.
10.) July 4th, 1776
11.) all men are created equal, People have certain Inalienable Rights like Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, people have a civic duty to defend their rights for themselves/others.
12.) A constitution is an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organisation or other type of entity and commonly determine how that entity is to be governed.
13.) The Articles of Confederation
14.) For a stronger federal government bc, the old one had no power to enforce their laws
15.) democratic republic
Step-by-step explanation: