Types of tissues:-
Nervous tissue, Epithelial tissue, Muscle tissue, and Connective tissue.
Step-by-step explanation:
Nervous tissue is made up of nerve cells (neurons) and is used to carry "messages" to and from various parts of the body.
Examples are cells, neurons and glial cells.
Muscle tissue includes striated (also called voluntary) muscles that move the skeleton, and smooth muscle, such as the muscles that surround the stomach.
Examples are blood vessels, biceps and intestines.
Epithelial tissue provides a covering (skin, the linings of the various passages inside the body).
An example is the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin and outerlayers on internal organs.
Connective tissue supports other tissues and binds them together (bone, blood, and lymph tissues).
Examples include adipose, cartilage, bone, blood, and lymph.