Question 1
There is a sharp sign in the key signature (between the clef and the time signature), signifying that all the Fs in the piece should be sharpened (raised by one semitone).
In bar 2 there is the addition of a natural sign in front of the F and a flat sign in front of the B of the chord in the top stave. The natural sign signifies that the F should be played as an F (cancelling the F# of the key-signature) and the flat signifies that the B should be played as a B flat (lowering the B by one semitone).
Question 2
A quarter note has a closed note head and a stem (it is not connected to any other note)
Quarter notes:
Bar 1: 1 (top stave)
Bar 2: 1 (top stave)
Bar 3: 1 (top stave)
Bar 4: 8 (4 in the top stave and 4 in the bottom stave)
Total quarter notes: 11