-When multiplying numbers with decimals just forget about the decimals for a second and pretend you are multiplying a 3 digit number times a 2 digit number.
-one digit at a time. Multiply going from right to left.
-Multiply the 3 with the top numbers.
-Pretend you are seeing this:
5.72 (3)
- 2*3=6. 7*3=21. (carry the 2). 5*3 +2=17. (leave the 1).
-write below and move a digit to the left.
-pretend you are seeing this: 5.72(6).
- 2*6 =12. (carry the 1). 7*6 +1=43. (carry the 4) 5*6+4=34. (leave the 3).
Third: since in the problem the decimal is placed in the hundredths only once, place the decimal in the hundredths as your solution.
Your solution should be 360.36