1.)When you arrive from school and you smell cookies baking in the kitchen your brain will tell you that you are hungry and that you should go to the kitchen at that point your sense organs like your nose helps you to detect that something is baking(cookies)and your nervous system (brain)will tell you that you are hungry and it will command/direct your brain to go to the kitchen then for you to eat the cookies and drink the milk the digestive system is going go help you to chew,swallow and digest the food which has been taken and when you also run to the kitchen at the beginning your brain will direct your skeletal and muscular system because the skeletons and muscles work hand in hand,and when you finish your meal the body will circulate some nutrients or minerals from the food or snack taken to other parts of the body for energy.
2.)When you sleep the whole body is asleep except the heart which needs to continue circulating blood around the whole system and sometimes the brain may not rest when you are sleeping it may continue to do it's work that's why some people usually sleep walk or sleep talk,it means the brain is not at rest and still doing some things....Thank you for the question I hope it is very useful to you.