- 20 km for 40 dB loss
- 80 km for 40 dB loss, or 10 dB loss for 20 km
Step-by-step explanation:
Here's your table of (distance, power level):
(0 km, 250 mW), (5 km, 25 mW), (10 km, 2.5 mW),
(15 km, 250 μW), (20 km, 25 μW)
The signal can be transmitted 20 km before being attenuated to 25 μW.
Reportedly, the loss in fiber optic cable is about 0.5 dB/km. This compares to 10 dB/5 km = 2 dB/km for the coaxial cable. Loss in dB/km is a factor of 4 less for fiber optic cable, so the distance for the same loss would be multiplied by 4.