Under the vitro experiment; Deoxy ribo adenosine diphosphate, deoxy riboflavin gwanosine di phosphate, deoxyribo cytosine diphosphate as well as deoxyribouridine diphosphate are all formed.
The inhibitor of thymidylate synthase block the activity of this enzyme which would otherwise convert deoxyribo UDP to deoxyribo thymidine diphosphate.
Blocking this enzyme lowers down the thymidine diphosphate nucleotide concentration which interrupt the DNA replication. The ribonucleotide reductase is responsible for the reduction of respective nucleotides into their deoxyribonucleic forms which can be considered as precursors for DNA synthesis.
Deoxy Uridine diphosphare is also a product of this enzyme which is further modified by thymidylate synthase twhich converts into deoxy thymedine diphosphate. But this convertion is blocked in vitro experiment which leads to one nucleotide scarce for DNA replication.