Software is the set of instructions data or programs used to the computer execute task,database program, web browser.
Step-by-step explanation:
- Computer software is all information processed by the computer system programs and data,software is a high level language.
- Computer system function is divide in two parts:- (1) Application software (2) system software.
- Application software :- this software used the computer system to the special function of computer operation.
- Application software is the range of that can performed with list of software.
- System software :- is to provide the function that require for the users software,there are many types function:- operating system, utilities, drivers.
- Operating system :- this software manage to the resource and provide common service that operating system .
- Utilities :- these software function provide by the computer programs designed and maintain the computer.
- Drivers :- computer is need to the one input device and one output device to the driver system software.
- software that extend to the function of the another software be used in the software function .