Mathys Inc.
a. (1) Change in accounting principle, accounting estimate, or correction of an error:
1. Write-off of Accounts Receivable = Change in accounting estimate
2. Changes in depreciation policies = Changes in accounting estimate for the office furniture and the introduction of the sum-of-years' digit for the new leasing division's equipment.
3. Overstated Ending Inventory = Correction of an error
4. New accounting method for pre-production costs = Change in accounting estimate
5. Change from FIFO to LIFO = Change in accounting principle
6. Change from completed-contract method of accounting to the percentage-of-completion method = Change in accounting principle
a. (2) If Restatement of opening retained earnings is required:
1. No restatement of opening retained earnings is required.
2. No restatement of opening retained earnings is required.
3. Restatement of opening retained earnings is required.
4. No restatement of opening retained earnings is required.
5. Restatement of opening retained earnings is required.
6. Restatement of opening retained earnings is required.
b) December 31, 2016 Retained Earnings Adjustments:
3. Debit Retained Earnings = ($235,000)
5. Debit Retained Earnings = ($320,000)
6. Credit Retained EArnings = $1,075,000
Net effect on 2016 Retained Earnings = an increase of $520,000
Step-by-step explanation:
a) Data:
1. December 31, 2016 Write-off of Receivable (Hendricks Inc.) = $820,000
2. Changes in depreciation policies:
a) Office Furniture and Fixtures 10-year to 8-year useful life: Effect on Retained Earnings at December 31, 2016 = $250,000 less. Effect on 2017 Income = $60,000 less.
b) Equipment: sum-of-the-years' digits depreciation method: Effect on 2017 income = $110,000 more.
3. Ending inventory for 2016 overstated by $235,000 Prior period adjustment.
4. Preproduction costs for furniture division: New accounting method. Effect on 2016 Retained earnings = $375,000 less.
5. Inventories for Nursery division, from FIFO to LIFO to match current costs with revenues. Effect on 2017, an increase in Earnings = $320,000.
6. Building Construction Division from completed-contract method of accounting to the percentage-of-completion method. Effect on Retained Earnings 2016 = $1,075,000 greater.
b) Mathys Inc. must correct accounting errors by adjusting previously issued financial statements retrospectively. An example of an accounting error is the overstatement of the ending inventory by $235,000. This implies that the 2016 Retained Earnings were overstated.
c) A good example of a change in accounting estimate is the change Mathys Inc. made of the office furniture's useful life from 10 years to 8. Such changes are not applied retroactively to prior years' financial statements.
d) When Marthys Inc. change the inventory valuation method from LIFO to FIFO, it made a change in an accounting principle. Such principle changes are done retroactively, with the restatement of the financial statements.