we have to find smallest number by which 2408 should be multiplied to get a perfect cube.
First lets find prime factor of 2408 and power these prime factors have
2408 = 2*1204 = 2*2*602 = 2*2*2*301= 2*2*2*7*43
2408 = 2^3*7*31
we know that a cube is a number raised to the power three
in 2408
2 has a power of three
but 7 and 31 and there is power of one,
thus we need to make
power of 7 and 31 three by multiplying
7 with 7*7
and 31 with 31*31
2^3*7*31*7*7*31*31 is the minimum cube value for this number
2^3*7*31*7*7*31*31 = 2^3*7^3*31^3 = 2408 * 7^2*31^2 = 2408*90601
Thus, smallest number which should be multiplied with 2408 to make it a perfect cube is 90601