The relations can be explained by the nature of eruption and lava type.
Step-by-step explanation:
- The volatile content of magma is made up of small amounts of gas and water that is released as pressure is removed. The magmas formed by the partial melting often have rich volatile contents.
- A high volatile content decreases the viscosity of magma. The eruption is going to be explosive if the magma is viscous and volatile-rich.
- The effusive eruption is a type of eruption were the lava steadily flows out of the volcano on the ground, they are most common in basaltic magmas and occurs immediately. The gases are dissolved in magmas due to high pressure.
- While in explosive eruptions the magmas are expelled out of the volcano's most violently when pressure is suddenly lowered at the vent. They can send the dut, rocks and pyroclastic matter up to 20 km in the atmosphere at the rate of 100,000 tonnes per second.