Most conductors are made from elements metallic elements
Metallic elements are those elements grouped as alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, basic metals, rare earth elements, actinides, and basic metals
Conductors of electricity carry electricity by means of the movable charged particles present in the conducting material
The movable charged particle are the electrons which are most mobile in metals because of their crystalline structure and available valence electron, which are the electrons in the outermost orbit of an atom and hence freest to move about within the material mass
As such the availability of free electrons determine conductivity of materials
Step-by-step explanation:
Understanding the relationship between electrical conductivity and the structure of atoms and molecules will contribute to the design of efficiency and reliability of technologies deployed to remote locations such as the Moon, by ensuring the best possible output from the electric control inputs and the redesigning of existing electrical installations using efficient amount of manufacturing materials, thereby saving the environment and costs.
Free electo
Electric conductors possess movable electrically charged particles, referred to as "electrons" in metals. When an electric charge is applied to a metal at certain points, the electrons will move and allow electricity to pass through. Materials with high electron mobility are good conductors and materials with low electron mobility are not good conductors, instead referred to as "insulators."
Silver is the best conductor of electricity because it contains a higher number of movable atoms (free electrons). For a material to be a good conductor, the electricity passed through it must be able to move the electrons; the more free electrons in a metal, the greater its conductivity. However, silver is more expensive than other materials and is not normally used unless it is required for specialized equipment like satellites or circuit boards. Copper is less conductive than silver but is cheaper and commonly used as an effective conductor in household appliances. Most wires are copper-plated and electromagnet cores are normally wrapped with copper wire. Copper is also easy to solder and wrap into wires, so it is often used when a large amount of conductive material is required.