"The Four Clever Brothers," a 1905 fairy tale by the Grimm Brothers.
Elements of the "The Four Clever Brothers:"
1. Setting: This story was set in a rural village at the home of a poor man with four sons.
2. Plot: A poor sent out his four sons to learn some crafts in the world in order to become useful in life. The sons complied and were able to learn useful skills that helped them to solve real-life problems. With their skills they were able to rescue the daughter of a powerful king who settled them with power and riches that enabled them to live blissfully and fulfilled.
3. Characters: A poor man, four sons of the poor man, men who taught them worldly skills, the dragon, the king, and his daughter. The chief protagonists are the four sons of the poor man. Though their names were not mentioned, the story revolved around them. Other characters contributed to the plot.
4. Conflict: Who marries the rescued princess?
5. Theme: The theme runs around the importance of skills and the wise application of the learned skills.
6. Point of view: It was told by a third person point of view. The narrator told the stories of other characters. He or she was not involved. She did not put ideas in the characters.
Step-by-step explanation:
The setting of a story is the place and time of the story. The plot is the main trunk of a story. It deals with the sequence of events from the setting to the conflict and the resolution of the conflict.
The characters are the people who played roles in the story. The conflict is the problem that will be resolved. The theme is the lesson from the story. Finally, the point of view is the perspective presented by the storyteller. There are three points of view: the first person, second person, and third person points of view.