There are different types of transformers
Audio-frequency transformers are used in audio distribution to loudspeakers and the to make record players and amplifiers compatible (matching), they are also used in telephone communication
Laminated core transformers are used as step-down transformers to lower the mains voltage from maybe 220 volts to 110 volts for equipment that uses 110 colts such as sound systems
Leakage transformers are used in arc welding machines to transmit voltage and as a magnetic ballast effect
A resonant transformer functions as tune able receiver and are used in radio receivers
Pulse transformers are able to transit rectangular pulses of electric current and are used in controllers of camera flash and telecom circuits
Ferrite core transformers for matching impedance are present in TV antennas
Output transformers are used to enable a low impedance speaker to work with the high load impedance valve
Loudspeaker transformers can power several speakers from a higher voltage source
Step-by-step explanation:
Household appliances that have transformers are those that have a power pack such as dc fans, printers, laptop chargers, desktop computers, microwave ovens and air conditioners fans, power stabilizers and phones