We need to know how to deal with absolute values to solve this. Remember that absolute value is a distance measure, not a counting number. The absolute value is the distance that 2 numbers are away from a specific number on the number line; the distance from the number will be the same distance going right and left of the number. For example, if we are looking for the numbers that are 3 units from 0 on a number line, the 2 numbers that are 3 units away are 3 and -3.
We will simplify our absolute value equation a bit first by dividing away the 2 out front. It is very important that you realize/remember that you cannot distribute into absolute value signs the way you would parenthesis!! Dividing away the 2 gives us
| x + 5.3 | = 2.1
In words, this problem is asking us for the 2 values that are 2.1 units from 5.3 on a number line. Hence, when we remove the absolute value signs, we set the equation equal to both 2.1 and -2.1 because we want the values 2.1 units to the right AND left of 5.3:
x + 5.3 = 2.1 or x + 5.3 = -2.1 and we solve both:
for the first one, x = -3.2 and for the second one, x = -7.4. Your option is the third one: "x can equal -3.2 or -7.4".